Day Old Chicks

Day Old Chicks

This breeds have an excellent feed conversion, livability, strong legs, and a maximum white meat yield with a plump full confirmation. At 6 to 8 weeks of age processed weights of 4 ½ to 6 lbs. can be obtained. Higher weights can be obtained depending on the final grow out duration. With using a well-managed care and feeding program, customers have achieved processed weights of 10 to 14 lb. roasters and capons within 10 to 14 weeks.

We sell fully vaccinated day old chicks from broilers(Ross 308) Cobb500, Abor Acres and Layers (Hy-line, Lohmann, Amberlink)


Day-old Chicks need adequate heat, water, and bedding.
Providing them with a clean and warm place to live with easy access to clean drinking water and nutritious chick feed will result in healthy and productive chicks.
Healthy chicks are the basis for good poultry performance. Their feeding should be carried out in the morning and evening.
Their diet should contain about twenty-five per cent proteins and one per cent of calcium because of their big size.
Their water should be clean always and the water troughs should be filled more frequently during the hot season.
Their house must be constructed in a way that would protect the birds from unfavourable weather conditions and predators.
Proper ventilation must also be ensured and the floors of the house should be covered with wood shavings.