Ostriches for sale

Ostriches for sale

At Eugon Valley Poultry, the ostriches are grown in a free-range environment with ample room to run and grow into an elite meat source. Free-range ostriches live a more natural and happy life on the farm. We believe this produces a better product in the end.

The grow-out portion of Eugon Valley Poultry encompasses a century-old pecan orchard. This gives the growing birds plenty of free space and cool shade from the Texas summer heat so that they may have as natural an existence as possible in a farming environment.

If you would like to purchase some of Eugon Valley Poultry Farm's premium genetics, we would love to visit with you about the opportunities in the ostrich industry.


The prices now being sought in the marketplace for chicks are no longer proportionally related to the value obtained at that age. It is much more advantageous for a purchaser to simply purchase adult ostriches, rather than chicks with the ensuing issues that come with purchasing small, young ostriches. Moreover, the purchaser is simply two to three years closer to having production ostriches of their own and the ability to have ostriches for sale or processing. Finally, with the high commodity prices, the costs of feeding small chicks for several years to reach production age is substantial.

Ostriches for sale

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